Monday, December 7, 2009

New NCCU Parents and Family YouTube Broadcasts

Eagle parents and family members can tune into this special YouTube channel throughout the year for valuable announcements and resources.

This week, hear the following announcements:

1) Message from Scholarships and Students Aid & Student Leadership, Training, and Development

2) Message from the Alumni Relations Office and the NCCU Listens initiative (coming later this week!)

Tune into the YouTube Channel at:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Take a Study Break TONIGHT presented by the NCCU SAB!!!

The NCCU Student Activities Board (SAB) presents STUDY BREAK tonight!

Location: Alfonso Elder Student Union Lobby
Time: 3-7 p.m.

The event is designed to give students a break from the stress of finals.

Come hear a live DJ, play fun board games. SAB will also offer free massages and play the Wii gaming system on a large projection screen.